The more I work, the more I realize that my place is in the home. Now I'm not trying to set us back 50 years ladies, and I am not suggesting this is the right choice for anyone other than myself. I remember a time when my house was clean. When the laundry was done, When dishes were put away. I'm ready for the day to come when I can spend more time in my house, making it a home. I want to be able to spend 3 hours on cooking a home made meal, and not just something I threw together in 30 minutes. I don't want my children to have to retreat to the dryer to find clean underwear when they are getting dressed for school. It's funny how when you plan your life, your successful working woman life, you never see it without the rose colored glasses. You don't think about the fact that if you are working 60 hours a week you are not going to feel like cleaning house and cooking dinner. You don't consider the time that you are not going to be spending at home.
My husband is a full time student in a professional program. Thank God he only has one year to go! He has been a student every since we got married, and I knew this was the plan in advance. I knew that I would be the one that had to be financially responsible for our family during this time, I just didn't realize how hard it would actually be to support a family of four by myself. Throughout this journey, I have been serving as youth minister in my church, owned and operated my own business, and also taken on odd jobs as they have been offered to me.
God has certainly been faithful to my family financially during this time. There have been months that I honestly had no clue where the money would come from to keep the lights on in our house, but God always provided. I am so appreciative of the talents and gifts He has instilled in me, without them I would surely have been sunk. And while these things have kept me afloat where finances are concerned, they have also kept me busy outside the home.
Today I was reading in Titus chapter 2 and I realized that with all God has allowed me to do in this life, he does, more than anything else, want me to tend to my family. Someone told me this week that God instituted families long before he instituted the church. God has allowed me to be a successful business woman, but that should never be at the cost of my family. I never thought the day would come when I wanted to work less and do more laundry. I loathe laundry. But I love it when it's hung up, put away, and not just a pile in the floor reminding me that I can't do everything. It's in those moments of self disappointment and frustration that a still small voice reminds me that I am not supposed to do everything... I am supposed to do what matters. I am making a promise to myself and to my family to cut out some of that stuff that does not matter. That's the only way that I can effectively show them what does.
I can't imagine doing all of the house 'stuff' while working outside the home! hats off to all ladies who do :O)